The Extranet+Ultra®-Sustained Forum for Franchised Authors, by Daniela BERNDT

Terms of Use

How do you solve the problem which a massive influx of admissions would generate when you are the author of a web solution that, once operational, is supposed to be accessible by all internet users in general, but none of them in particular? By engineering a conceptual framework which provides for the stepwise access of the general public to that solution. This implies a catalogue of technical specifications which can only be found at a professional web hosting provider. Choosing OVH (1), today the leader in France and Europe, therefore appeared as a matter of legal evidence as early as October 2005, considering that my own terms of use could not contradict those of the provider I needed to be able to rely on, as a Master-Franchisor and Intranet Service Provider, with regard to the technical implications of providing access to my own virtual incubation services.

Read also: OVH's legal documentation.
Next comes the problem of making sense of a catalogue of endless possibilities (or so it seems), presented to the average user in the undecipherable speech of the geeks. Knowing in how far our working memory (2) is limited in terms of processing capacity, one better understands of what a virtual macro-economic crisis is in reality the aggregate overload. To address this issue, which tends to fuel itself up to the breaking point, the NetPlusUltra® experience promotes cognitive adoption so as to enable users to manage their own conceptual eligibility: this is the purpose of my concept demonstration pathway (3), which is designed to convert visitors into franchisees.

Read also: The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, R. Mayer, 2005.
The analysis of the previous statement enables us to fully understand in how far the quintessential limitation of our working memory is the solution to precisely that problem, considering that this constraint forces us to set priorities, which implies to set goals to be broken down into precise action plans; all of which is about managing a matrix program of (cognitive) problem solving processes. So why not promote psychic conflict avoidance straight away, or the resolving thereof when this type of issue has already set in? Program NetPlusUltra® is such a problem-solving matrix: it is only when the prospective member has processed himself in-through-out (of) my Webfolio that I can consider him cognitively receptive. With the tech jargon of web publishing translated into something intelligible, the admission process can be formally concluded through the pre-affiliation contract form (4).

Read also: The Brain That Changes Itself, N. Doidge, 2007.
As the structure of this pre-affiliation form suggests, admission is open primarily to knowledge professionals in a regular situation in their country of residence (fields 1.0 to 1.5), holding a university degree, with or without work experience (fields 2.0 to 2.2), capable of demonstrating, through the general configuration with which they register, that they understand in how far a NetPlusUltra® commitment implies effective disengagement from the consequences generated by social networks in terms of embezzling legally incompatible systems of law (fields 3.0 to 5.0), and presenting themselves with a precise goal (5) to be processed into a Testfolio showcase (6) as soon as the submitted proposal has been approved as conceptually compliant by the NetPlusUltra® web franchising system (field 6.0), with regard to its own purpose.

Read again: My Testfolio 2013.
This is also the place to remind everyone that the purpose of my incubation phase 2/3 in progress (7) is also to publish (the access to) the proof of concept that my web solution is as much an original author's work as a societal innovation, which forces me to cope with the existing system limitations in terms of DRM technologies (8), in order to turn my conceptual NetPlusUltra® specifications into an operational reality on a larger scale as soon as possible.

Read also: Guide pratique du droit d'auteur, A.-L. Stérin, 2007.
Daniela BERNDT

French / German

Article (-1) / Article (+1)

Further reading
  1. OVH France website: about the company;

  2. Wikipedia: wiki about "Working memory";

  3. Metafolio module: concept presentation;

  4. Intrafolio module: registration form;

  5. Wikipedia: wiki about "Goal setting";

  6. Dashfolio 2014: "Testfolio" entry of the Lexifolio;

  7. Infolio module: entry about publication phase 2/3;

  8. Wikipedia: wiki about "Digital rights management".