The Extranet+Ultra®-Sustained Forum for Franchised Authors, by Daniela BERNDT

Breakdown of Indexed Data

The four tags included in the present external preview of my NetPlusUltra® membership directory enable to break down the data related to the entries of the main indexes into as many subject-matter-related sub-directories of reference, and if necessary, to proceed to further verifications pertaining to the regularity of individual registrations:

  1. citizenship_adjective: sub-directory of members, by nationality;

  2. gender_sex: sub-directory of members, female or male;

  3. last-initial_letter: sub-directory of members, by last name initial;

  4. residency_adjective: sub-directory of members, by (country of) residence.

Considering that NetPlusUltra® also refers to the international forum to the formula of the same name, the official language inside the network during demo phase 2/3 will be English, until the linguistic specifications charter to the multilingual versions of my incubation services are available.

Daniela BERNDT

French / German

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